More on R-Union and R-Intersection of Neutrosophic Soft Cubic Set
R-unions and R-intersections, R-OR, R-AND of Neutrosophic soft cubic sets are introduced and related properties are investigated. We show that the R-union (R-intersection) of internal neutrosophic soft cubic set is also an internal neutrosophic soft cubic set. We show that the R-union and the R-intersection T-external (I-external, F-external) neutrosophic soft cubic sets are also T-external ( I-external, F-external) neutrosophic soft cubic sets. The conditions for the R-intersection of two cubic soft sets to be both an external neutrosophic soft cubic set and an internal neutrosophic soft cubic set. Further we provide a condition for the R- intersection and R union of two T-internal (I-internal, F-internal) neutrosophic soft cubic sets are T-external (I-external, F-external) neutrosophic soft cubic sets.
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