How do Uncertainties in Atomic Parameters Influence Theoretical Predictions of X-Ray Production Cross Sections By Proton Impact?
The emission of characteristic X-rays induced by proton impact is a phenomenon known since the first half of the 20th century. Its more widely known application is the analytical technique Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE). Several models have been developed to calculate, first, ionization cross-sections and then the subsequent X-ray production cross-sections. However, to carry out the comparisons of these predictions with experimental data it is necessary to use atomic parameters databases (fluorescence yields, Coster-Kronig transition probabilities, emission rates) that also have experimental uncertainties. In this work, it is demonstrated how these values do not allow to decide which model describes more accurately the cross-sections, due to a final “theoretical uncertainty” obtained through the propagation of the original uncertainties.
Author(s): J Miranda, Institute of Physics, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Scientific Research Circuit S/N, Coyoacan-04510, Mexico
Keywords: Ionization, X-ray production, Protons, Fluorescence yield, Coster-Kronig, Uncertainties
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