Awareness of Online Learning Among Post Graduate Students: A Study
In order to capitalize on the potential of digital technology as a learning tool, there is an urgent need for the professional development of teachers. It allows teachers to construct professional knowledge about pedagogy, content, and technology as well as strategies for managing the changing classroom environments. Teachers have to develop competence in teaching in the digital world order and redefine their role in technology-based learning. The term “information explosion” really means an explosion of knowledge. New frontiers of knowledge are opening day-by-day and the horizon of human knowledge and understanding is expanding very fast. In the present day all the above-mentioned knowledge, information, and skill are imparted by the educational institutions. Online education originally began through various companies and their training courses. When a new employee was hired online training courses were used to prepare the employee.
S.K. Panneer Selvam, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-620 024, Tamil Nadu.
Classroom change, professional knowledge, digital technology, learning technique
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