Compare and Contrast the Two Approaches: The ‘Conventional Approach’ and the ‘Computational Approach’ Described by Stiny and Mitchell 1978, for Analyzing an Architectural Style
Architectural historians have focused more on traditional analysis of a style on the basis of concept, compositional order, construction method, structural system and much more. This approach can be called as ‘Conventional approach’. On the other hand the ‘Computational approach’, which was described by George Stiny and William J. Mitchell in 1978, can regenerate new design of a particular style by analyzing the characteristics of that style. The question is how these two approaches conflict with each other and how they can be compared with each other. The aim of this paper is to find out Keywords: the differences and comparisons between these two approaches with explanation of some examples.
Nujaba Binte Kabir, Department of Architecture, The Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology, Dhaka
Architectural historians, Computational analysis, Conventional analysis
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