Covid PDS Plus: An E-PDS & Healthcare Platform Towards Pandemic Restoration
During the COVID-19 crisis, millions of migrants daily-wage workers and homeless people around the world are facing food insecurity. This has forced migrants to travel to their hometowns during the pandemic thereby exposing them to greater health risks and also accelerating the risk of spread of virus. Anecdotal evidence demonstrates the importance of enforcing food security and distribution policies to tide the crisis. However, the effects of these policies on containing mobility during the crisis remain unknown. This paper presents a prototype of technology enabled e-PDS (pubic distribution system) and healthcare platform to connect different stakeholders i.e. people, government, NGOs.
Vedant Shrivastava, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha – 751024, India
Public distribution system, E-PDS, Covid, Healthcare, Patient triaging
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