Eco-management of Wastewater by ZESTP
In present study, an evaluation of ZESTP (Zero Energy Sewage Treatment Plant) has been described as an alternative solution of sewage water treatment. This system has become widely famous because of having great absorption efficiencyof nutrients, simple construction and maintenance, relatively less costly as well as a strong process. After treatment of sewage water, the level of dissolve oxygen was increased up to 73% due to the enhanced numbers of photosynthetic organisms. Some aquatic macrophytes such as Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, Pistia stratiotes L. and Hydrilla verticillata Casp were used in ZESTP for waste water treatment based on phytoremediation. ZESTP could reduce the around 84% turbidity, 46% electrical conductivity, 43% salinity, 74% acidity, 69% free CO2, 73% BOD, 44% COD, 70% suspended solids, 62% total hardness, 71% chloride, 59% cadmium, 51% iron, and 71% copper from the waste water. Naturally, some plants have capability are to retain and/or remove fatal chemicals which are present in sewage water. Moreover, macrophytes based ZESTP is a cost effective and an eco-friendly technique of sewage water treatment.
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