Economic and Easy Do It Yourself (DIY) Safety Kit
The main objective of this paper is to present a cost effective and efficient safety kit in order to help fulfill the scarcity of PPE kits during COVID19 pandemic. These days it is quite essential to wear safety gears like masks, gloves, face shields etc. resulting in shortage of these items at some places and the second problem is that certain sections of people cannot afford to purchase these items. This paper presents methods to create cheap yet effective safety kits at home. The kit will require easily available material like cloth bag, biodegradable trash bag, polythene bag etc. and items like gown, cap, masks, and gloves can be made using these materials.
Yukta Chauhan, Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab-140401, India
Making COVID19 safety kit at home, DIY safety kit, Biodegradable bag for making safety kit
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