Effect of Saakshar Bharat Mission in Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh
This paper examines the effect of the Saakshar Bharat Mission- 2012 in the district Chamba of Himachal Pradesh. Saakshar Bharat Mission was launched on the International Literacy Day, 8th September, 2009. The rationale behind the programme is to create a literate society through a variety of teaching learning programme for non-literate and neo-literate adults in the age group of 15 years and above with the prime focus on women. The programme is mainly focused on women as the magnitude of illiteracy among women is very high. Only 54.16% of women are literate as per 2001 census. The programme included 365 districts. These are those districts in which the female literacy rate is found to be less than 50% according to 2001 census. In Himachal Pradesh, Chamba district has been selected for the same as the female literacy rate according to 2001 census was 48.8%. Saaskshar Bharat Mission has left positive effect on the literacy rate of Himachal Pradesh. The literacy rate of Himachal Pradesh indicates an increase of 7.30% in 2011 census. The male (5.48%) and female (9.18%) literacy rate of Himachal Pradesh also increased. The district Chamba of Himachal Pradesh indicates an increase in literacy rate by 10.28% from 2001 to 2011. The male and female literacy rate in Chamba district is increased by 7.78% to 13.29% from 2001 to 2011. As far as gender gap in district Chamba is concerned it is decreased by 5.51%.
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