Evaluation of Internet Generations on Wireless Network: A Survey
In the recent era, the demand of the internet is increasing. The Internet is global computer network that provide the sharing of data and information. Internet is useful in every field. It modifies the way of working, living style and contributed positive impact on our life. With the raising of the demand new tools and technologies are developed. The internet is classified in various generations depends on the functionality and key features. In this paper the generations of the internet and functionality are discussed. The internet has 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 that provides internet protocols. Internet 4.0 and 5.0 are grownup and it works on wireless and sensor network devices. With the development of new generation the data rate, flexibility, Quality of service, performance and many other features are improved. In this survey focus on the features, techniques and tools provided by each generation.
Internet generations, Web, Network, Internet Protocols, Security, Internet Architecture
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