Fostering Productive Thinking Among Elementary School Students Through FIESI Model
Productive thinking is the cognitive ability to plan, reason logically, analyse, synthesize, evaluate, and make decision to reach at the solution of the problem or we can say that it is the ability by which one can refine their creative work with critical thinking to give strength and value to it. It is a way to solve problems creatively. For this research, a model has been developed called as FIESI (Foundation, Ideation, Evaluation, Stabilization and Implication) for fostering productive thinking. Researchers conducted an experiment to foster productive thinking among VIII standard students with the help of this model as elementary level is delimited to standard VIII. Quasi-experimental pre-test post-test control group design was used. Two Kendriya Vidyalayas (Central Schools) were selected purposively for experiment purpose. One section of standard VIII from each school was selected as the sample for the experiment and control groups. Students of both the classes were made equivalent on the basis of a science achievement test. The equivalent groups consist of 26 students each. Researchers taught Science to the experimental group for one academic year (2019-2020) using FIESI model and the control group was taught by their regular teachers. Researchers developed and validated a productive thinking test for data collection. Data were analysed using chi-square. The finding revealed that FIESI model was found significant in fostering productive thinking among standard VIII students.
Creative thinking, Critical thinking, Reproductive thinking, Productive thinking, FIESI model
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