Learning Outcomes in Science Among Elementary Level Students
The evolution in field of science has led to technological advancement in present century and has made the human to think and behave in more scientific way. Inadequate knowledge of science and how it functions may affect the efficient functioning of humans, and thus this demands to have a society where students are exposed to scientific knowledge. Exposure to science from the foundations years in schools is not to develop each child into a scientist but it is necessary to develop scientific attitude in them to find out the truth by experiencing, observing and questioning what captivates their interest and attention.
Hence, the present study focused on learning outcomes in science among elementary school students. The present study focuses on achievement of elementary school students in science and also compares the differences on the basis of the type of school and gender. The population for the study consisted of students from residential, government and private schools of Chandigarh. Sample was randomly selected including 35 students from class VIII from each type of school. The self-developed standardized Science Achievement Test (SAT) was used as an instrument for data collection. Data was analyzed using percentage, t-test and one way ANOVA with SPSS (version 21). The findings of the study revealed that 39 percent of students scored above average, 23 percent scored average and 38 percent scored below average in SAT. Male and female students do not differ on learning outcome in science but on the basis of type of school, students of residential school performed better in SAT as compared to government and private school students. It is recommended that various factors affecting learning outcomes in science should be explored to improve the Achievement in Science.
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