Noble Ideas of Swami Vivekananda on Education and in globle Intentions of Lord Macaulay: a Critical Review on School Education in India
Education without character, politics without principles, commerce without morality, Science without humanity, religion without love, culture without unity, administration without justice, knowledge without applications, patriotism without sacrifice are not only useless but positively dangerous so says Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Today’s education in our country has produced more educated person without having in-depth idea of education & mechanised humans without having traits of humanity. It appears that our country is passing through a phase of serious apolitical crisis called value crisis. Everywhere there is a shadow of missing spirit of life as if the true aim of human being is to make wealth effortlessly, swiftly without any hurdle and enjoy a comfortable living standard without adhering to the very basic philosophy of life. Bharat so called India is loosing its cultural supremacy and spiritual diversity in global arena. The paper explores the philosophy of education that was given by Swami Vivekananda. Also it highlights growth and development of school education system of India since Independence and visible loop holes in education system like excessive reliance on recall & memorization process in school education prescribed by British Education system. Further the author advocates vociferously for Revitalizing Teacher Education System , Infusion of Spiritual Element in Curriculum & greater Emphasis on Value Education ,Promotion of Indian Culture , Strong Community Participation in education & integration of Element of Service in Curriculum etc. Deep earnestness, sincerity by stakeholders of education for one of our vital national problem in a new light is the need of the day.
Bibhuti Narayan Biswal, Principal, Sri Sathya Sai Vidyaniketan, Near Tata Ssl, N.H.No. 8, Ganeshvad Sisodra –396463, Dist: Navsari, Gujarat, India
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