On Color Energy of Few Classes of Bipartite Graphs and Corresponding Color Complements
For a given colored graph G, the color energy is defined as Ec(G) = Σλi, for i = 1, 2,…., n; where λi is a color eigenvalue of the color matrix of G, Ac (G) with entries as 1, if both the corresponding vertices are neighbors and have different colors; -1, if both the corresponding vertices are not neighbors and have same colors and 0, otherwise. In this article, we study color energy of graphs with proper coloring and L (h, k)-coloring. Further, we examine the relation between Ec(G) with the corresponding color complement of a given graph G and other graph parameters such as chromatic number and domination number.
AMS Subject Classification: 05C15, 05C50
Color eigenvalues, color energy, color complement
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