Performance Appraisal in the Era of New Normal
Performance Appraisal is the process of assessing the accomplishments of workforce & to acknowledge their capabilities for facilitating development. Performance evaluation is one of the areas in Human resource management which is considerably affected by the spread of pandemic severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2. This virus outbreak posed new challenges for the companies across the globe. As a result in order to tackle this uncertainty various organizations have taken measures to cut down the expenses like deferment in the appraisal cycle or for muted salary increments. Thus one of the objectives of this paper is to study the impact of Covid -19 on performance appraisal of employees. Further this pandemic is equally challenging for the managers also. As social distancing and working remotely have become a new normal, employees work remotely from each other and from managers, and this will be more common in the future. Managers are now searching for new ways to ‘do visibility’ without always being physically present. It has also become the vital demand of the situation as managers must be aware of the circumstances in which employees are working in. Therefore another objective of this paper is to suggest an approach to manage the performance evaluations of remote working employees. It is recommended that managers should adopt the choice based approach for performance evaluation instead of control based approach. The review is formed on articles and reports from various internet sources and journals. Further some ways of managing the performance assessment of remotely working employees and scope for the future are also discussed.
Author(s): Nitika Kaushik and Poonam Arora, The North Cap University, Gurugram-122017, Haryana, India
Keywords: Covid 19, Social Distancing, Remote Working, Performance Appraisal
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