Techno-Aide Google Classroom for Learning English: Prospects & Challenges
Techno-Aide Google Classroom for Learning English: Prospects & Challenges Google Classroom is a technology aided online learning tool developed by Google which enables both the teachers and learners to fit into ‘beyond the classroom’ learning in an innovative way. This research paper tries to shed light on the prospects and challenges of using Google classroom for learning English at the tertiary level education in Bangladesh. For finding out the prospects and challenges, both English language learners’ and teachers’ perception on the ground of the four language skills- Listening, reading, Writing and Speaking have been studied. The research has been conducted following the quantitative method. An electronic survey was distributed among the students and teachers using Google Form for collecting and comparing responses. The prospect includes how Bangladeshi university students and teachers sense and experience this online tool to stay in touch, as well as develop and manage their work to learn English efficiently. Alongside the common challenges faced by the users (both learners and teachers) this research tries to trace out some technical shortcomings of Google classroom that can be eradicated by Google to turn Google classroom into more user-friendly platform for learning.
Google classroom, technology, learners, teachers, perception, English learning
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