Theoretical Study on the Formation of 1-neutron and 2-neutron Halo Nuclei via Decay of Elements in Super-Heavy Region
The possibility for the existence of 1-neutron and 2-neutron halo nuclei through the decay of even-even nuclei 270-316116, 272-318118 and 278-320120 in the super-heavy region is studied within the frame work of the Coulomb and Proximity Potential Model (CPPM). Halo structure in neutron rich nuclei with Z<=20 is identified by calculating the neutron separation energies and on the basis of potential energy considerations. The 1n + core configuration of proposed 1-neutron halo nuclei between z=10 and Z=20 is found shifted to 2n + core configuration in higher angular momentum states. The calculation of half-life of decay is performed by considering the proposed halo nuclei as spherical cluster and as deformed nuclei with a rms radius. Except for 15C, the half-life of decay is found decreased when the rms radius is considered. Only the 1-neutron halo nuclei 26F and 55Ca showed half-lives of decay which are less than the experimental limit. None of the proposed 2-neutron halo nuclei have shown a half-life of decay lower than the experimental limit. Also, the probability for the emission of neutron halo nuclei is found to be less in super-heavy region when compared with the clusters of same isotope family. Further, neutron shell closure at neutron numbers 150, 164 and 184 is identified form the plot of log10 T1/2 verses the neutron number of parents. The plots of Q-1/2 verses log10 T1/2 and -ln P verses log10 T1/2 for various halo nuclei emitted from the super-heavy elements are found to be linear showing that Geiger-Nuttall law is applicable to the emission of neutron halo also.
Halo Nuclei, Cluster Radioactivity
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