Understanding Current Trends on Internet of Things – An Overview
Internet of Things (IoT) is the concept of providing automation by adding some level of digital intelligence to physical devices. It relates to the activities of data sharing, data controlling and automation among billions of physical devices around the world. Lower price of processor, wireless network and inexpensive technologies result in turning any object into the part of internet. Smart environment equipped with sensors provide automation in interrelated computing devices, machines, animals and human resources. Data collected from different smart devices is being interpreted by different researchers for analyzing in order to make better business decisions. This review paper has shown experimental research on the Internet of Things published since 2013. We summarize different applications of IoT in various fields and highlighted various issues related to different factors of IoT. enabled devices.
Pankaj Dariya, Vanshuka Puri and Amandeep Kaur, Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
Internet, Internet of Things, Sensors, Automation, Smart devices
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