Public Information Systems and Alternative Therapeutic Approaches for Cancer in India
Background: Early detection can decrease incidences of mortality related to cancer in India. Primary tests at detection centres (generally established in urban areas and mobile facilities), need to be followed by specialized cancer centric tests. This leaves a gap for discontinuation of diagnostic process. Other factors like the prevalence of Complimentary and Alternate medicine systems (CAM), availability of mainstream healthcare services, cultural and social beliefs need to be understood for new formats for diagnosis and treatment to be devised for minimizing delay in cancer diagnosis.
Objective: This study was conducted in order:
i. To understand role of various extrinsic factors in the development of cancer diagnostics and reason for adoption of CAM treatment strategies. And,
ii. To develop a holistic understanding of these factors and their role in influencing delay in diagnosis of cancer in the Indian population….
Anurag Kanaujia, Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Uttar Pradesh-201002, India; Council of Scientific and Industrial Research -National Institute of Science Technology and Development Studies (CSIR-NISTADS), New Delhi-110012, India
Complementary and Alternative medicine, Cancer Diagnostics, Early Cancer Detection, Ayurveda, Treatment, Cancer, Rehabilitation
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